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The way to a man’s heart

you may say is through his stomach but that only leaves him full and not willing to do much more than nap or watch TV.
Some would say it’s through his mind but trust me, most men don’t really want a woman who is smarter than they are.
I’m here to tell you it’s through nostalgia like listening to his favorite music, watching his favorite movies and…wearing his favorite high school T-shirt.  A few years ago Phil came home from him mom’s house with his favorite Led Zeppelin T and although my first reaction was “let’s fumigate this thing”, it has since become a wardrobe staple accompanying me to the gym, on vaca and most recently/today making an appearance at the office.

I have to admit that when I wear it, not only do I feel like a teenager wearing my boyfriend’s T-shirt but I love that it fits and fits well.  Not to mention it’s sparkly, short and super cute. I’m sure not at all how he would describe it especially to his high school buddies (-:
I’m curious, have you ever Rocked your boyfriends/husbands/lovers T-shirt?


  • John

    I agree with Jeff. It really is the little things that people do for each other that count the most and may have special meanings to one another. 🙂

  • Jeff Greenhouse

    You are dead-on with this post. It makes complete sense, and goes well beyond just boyfriend/girlfriend interactions. When you openly embrace something that the other person cares about (and has for a long time), you naturally strengthen your connection to them.

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