All He Wanted Was
Hotdogs on the balcony so…I delivered. Today, we celebrated Phil’s birthday and guess what the guy who flew me to Paris for our Anniversary wanted? Yup, hotdogs with all the fixings. Not one…
Tonight’s Dinner
Was inspired by Jacob who ordered clams when everyone was chowing down on burgers and fries. Over the weekend, in between pool parties and fireworks, we stopped by Ventura’s Greenhouse in Margate for…
Happy 4th of July!
Hope you’re all enjoying some R&R with friends and family! It has been an all Red, White and Blue kinda weekend from start to finish from Dinner and Dancing with friends at Catch…
Anniversary in Paris
Well I don’t know how he pulled it off but my amazing husband of 15 years succeed in surprising me with a trip to Paris and it has been a whirlwind since we…
Paris Here I Come!
Well I don’t know how he pulled it off but after weeks of guessing, zigging and zagging, we are off to Paris! I’m beyond excited! Santé a la votre! Alya
Armed and Dangerous
In preparation for our Anniversary trip to -I still don’t know where- gave into temptation and bought a selfie stick Watch out world! Alya
My Dad the Shish Kebab Master
The shish kebab master does it again! The forecast called for rain and had we listened to the weather “experts” we would’ve missed out on one the most beautiful weekends in recent history.…
Happy Father’s Day
To the greatest man, husband, friend and father, we love you soooo much! Not one to steal others words but I couldn’t have said it better myself, Phoebe Holmes for HUFFPOST. Alya