Happy Hanukkah / Happy Chanukah
Tonight, Jews around the world celebrate the first night of Hanukkah. The Festival of Lights kicks off 8 nights of candle lighting, gift giving & dreidel spinning for the kiddos. It also launches the sharing of beautifully merchandised menorahs, freshly fried latkes & heartfelt messages like the one I just posted on my IG, AlyaBuzz,
Happy 1st night of #hanukkah ✨
May the #festivaloflights be filled with #love #light & bigass #latkes 😋

Please allow me to dissect.
First, I never know if it’s Hanukkah or Chanukah but, after some careful consideration & research I almost always go with Hanukkah. Actually the answer is that both are considered correct, though Hanukkah is the most widely used spelling, while Chanukah is more traditional.
Second, there IS a holiday tree in the photo. More on that here & for the record, it’s a New Year tree!
Lastly, I did make a big-ass latke but only because I was too tired & too lazy to make individual ones & you know what? It was so good, I would do it again! Here’s the classic & simple recipe.

Happy Hanukkah to everyone who celebrates!