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Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m grateful each and every day for the life that I have and the people whom I share it with so today is just another day but, if I must…
I’m grateful to be married to my best friend, the greatest man I know and the most amazing father to our son.

I’m grateful for Jacob who fills my heart with so much love and to me, defines the word Awesome! It’s almost crazy how much I adore this kid.

I’m grateful for my parents who are healthy and close always willing to step in for some needed time off.

I’m grateful for Baba Alla who is well and still telling me how it is which is often how it ought to be.

I’m grateful for Susan who has become an invaluable extension of our family and, Jacob’s partner in crime…picture unavailable (-: so I will insert one that she took…

I’m grateful for my friends new and old, close and far and wish EVERYONE the happiest of Thanksgivings and the ability to reflect back more often than on this one day!
Now go Gobble Gobble til you Wobble…

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