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2016 May Be The Year of the Monkey

But it also happens to be the year that I turn 45 (insert WTF and OMG emoji here) and that means that I need to get my MIND, BODY & SOUL in check.

Everyone around me is setting New Years resolutions so here goes.

First up, MIND.  I admit that I have the memory of a goldfish especially when it comes to names which is ironic because I hate it when people mispronounce or forget my name.  Plus, in my line of business it is just plain rude and I’m not a rude person…at least I don’t think that I am!?  I often wonder how is it that I still know the lyrics to nearly every song released in the ’80s and can recite lines from every episodes of Seinfeld but then can’t remember the name of the person that I just met?  There’s certainly a lot more information to commit to memory these days but that’s no excuse so, I resolve to do a better job at remembering names.  If you have a tool or a method that works, I’m all ears but this seems to be a good place to start.

An oldie but goodie, I also resolve to read more.  At least 6 books this year which I think can only help the MIND plus, it makes for great conversation with people whose names you’re desperately trying to remember.  

Next up, BODY.  Funny how we’re never happy with ourselves.  Well, maybe some of you are but most, I think, struggle to appreciate who we are in the present.  I often find myself looking at old-er photos thinking, wow I was so young then…why didn’t I start this or, do that?

Just like when I found this photo of myself from 2011 and realized how fit I really was.  All of that hard work DID pay off but I never fully realized or appreciated it then.  My 2016 goal is to get back to this if not better and that starts today!

me in shape.JPG

These Buns and Thigh exercise video look like a good place to start.


Finally, SOUL.  For me, this is a simple one in theory but will most likely be the most difficult in practice.  Primarily, because it’s just not my nature to let shit slide but that’s what challenges are all about.  I resolve to pay less attention to what at first feels epic but in reality is meaningless stuff, not take things to heart, and live more in the moment.  I know that means less screen time especially when I’m with family and friends and I’m good with that.

Always on the list and applicable to all three, MIND, BODY & SOUL is more travel!

2016 and stairway to 45 Bring it!  That reminds me of a song I’ve always loved and ironically released the year I was born…

Care to share your 2016 Resolutions?



Talk to me, I would love to hear from you!

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