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The Skinny on Being Skinny Fat

What does it mean when people that haven’t seen you in a while comment on how good and skinny you look especially, when you’re carrying an extra 10lbs.?
Does it imply that you were a chunky monkey before?
Or that you’re sickly skinny now?
Yup, happened a few times yesterday.  Confused, I thanked them, ordered a cocktail and grabbed a double order of mini Cuban sandwiches but it got me thinking.  How is it that you can weigh less but look more or, in my case, weigh more and look less?
So I did a little digging and learned that there is something called the Skinny Fat Syndrome.  Intrigued, I wanted to learn more and found this great article by Michael Matthews,  How to Not Be Skinny Fat and now, I’m on a mission to look less like the picture on the left and more like the one on the right.


According to Mike, here’s the bottom line:
You can follow every “clean eating” rule on the Internet…
You can jog until your joints are ground to dust…
You can swallow a mountain of supplements every day…
You can do every home workout program ever made…
And you can still be “skinny fat” for the rest of your life.
I especially like this article as it’s geared towards women and think that you may too especially, if your goal is to look like this!


Bye Skinny Fat
Hello Skinny Toned


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