So This Happened Last Night
You know how sometimes you get all dressed up to attend a speaker event and book signing for a really interesting person whose work you admire and have followed for years and then you realize you’re there one night too early and the speaker is Caitlyn Jenner?
No? Never happened to you? Well that’s exactly what happened to me last night and you know, it was actually pretty interesting. To hear Caitlyn speak (long winded I must add) from the heart about her years of darkness, hiding and ultimately transition without the Buzz of the media was quite eye opening.
I, like many, looked at her coming out as much of a media stunt as I did as a self realization. Little did I know about the 40+ years of internal pain and struggle she endured.
Got the book so I can learn more as clearly I’m ignorant on the subject. Interested? I’m happy to share my copy if you send me a note.