Fedora Friday
Here I was thinking that I was being original when I wore my wool Fedora to work on Friday and declared it Fedora Friday! Come to learn that not only was there a…
OK Seinfeld Enthusiasts
It’s time to Vote for the Best ‘Seinfeld’ Episode…Tournament: Round 2 Voting for Round 2 of the tournament to determine the best episode of “Seinfeld” is now open. Before Fox Sports previews Round 2,…
Why Settle?
Jacob requested his favorite Lobster Ravioli from Trader Joe’s and I already had steaks marinating overnight so… We had both! Lobster Ravioli finished off with a bit of Olive Oil and shaved Parmesan……
Lamb for Dinner!
Created by Photo Grid. Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.roidapp.photogrid iPhone https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/photo-grid-collage-maker/id543577420?mt=8
What happened to
Leisurely weekends spent having fun?I’ll tell you what! The lethal combo of School and Snow!!!Projects, Studying for tests, Homework…And the best part is that the poor parents kids lost the majority of what was…
Mad Kitchen Scientist I am!
The fridge is bursting with fresh fruits and veggies so I’m making a few delish and healthy sides for the boys to enjoy. It’s Science Fair time so while Jacob completes his Soda…
Nothing I Love More Than
discovering new fashion lines and scoring crazy deals at my favorite discount store, TJ Maxx! Granted every trip is a hit or miss but when it’s a hit, it’s like winning the lottery!No one TJ’s is…
Oscars Best Dressed?
I’ve always been fascinated by Hollywood and as a kid, dreamed of attending the Academy Awards, winning an Oscar and most of all, having designers beat down my door dying to dress me…