RIP Joan Rivers
Viral Video of the Day: Joan Rivers Returns to The Tonight Show http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/09/05/viral-video-of-the-day-joan-rivers-returns-to-the-tonight-show.html
I’m Sorry to Report that
shellfish and I are on a brake and all I have to show for it is a big fat lip!Allow me to explain.To take a break from our usual weekend activities in Margate,…
Beauty Meets Fashion
with the release of Christian Louboutin’s Nail Colour Collection and I’m just dying to get my unpolished little fingers on it!Well, my nails are rarely unpolished but I’m still dying…“The red sole was born…
Watermelon salad was a
Success!My first attempt and it was delicious, just wish I took a picture of the finished product but it looked very much like this. Try it, you will love it! INGREDIENTS 1/3 cup extra-virgin…