The Master Bath
wanted to repost with updates to the previously unfinished touches like the faucet and handles, what do you think? Faucet… And super late on this but thanks to friends in the biz, got…
Wet Bar DIY
It only took 15 years, at least on my watch, but who’s counting? What’s important is that the bar, our last big project in the apartment, is 99% complete! Looking for the before…
Not Just Any Pi Day
3/14/15 is singularly the most perfect Pi Day that will ever happen in your lifetime. For 24 hours, Pi Day 2015 will be the one and only Pi Day in the next 100…
It’s Friday the 13th, What’s Scarier Than
My closet? It’s the second Friday the 13th of the year so why not tend to the scary chaos that is my closet!? I’m in between throwing it all out…excluded are my Chanel…
A Refreshing Perspective
As you might have guessed by this Blog and my IG, FB & Foursquare social media accounts, I love taking photos. Almost as much as I love taking them, I love sharing them.…
How To Look 10yrs Younger
Instantly! Thanks Faith Xue, exactly what I needed as this is usually the time of the year when I start to feel run down, pale and a bit unpretty… There are some things…
Happy International Women’s Day
To all of the wonderful women in my life especially, my Mama and Baba Alla. You are my role models and I hope to grow up to be just like you…strong, beautiful and…
At the Vieux Carré
Tonight we enjoyed “A Taste of New Orleans in Philadelphia” presented by Tory McPhail of the famous and fabulous Commander’s Palace. The 4 course and wine pairing experience at Drexel’s Center for Hospitality and…