Free Coffee
At La Colombe Torrefaction Rittenhouse Square today courtesy of Statefarm… How’s that for a Happy Monday!? Alya
Fashion + Technology
In case you missed them, here are the top style stories of the week. Thanks Sarah Leon American Apparel The brand now plans to Photoshop nipples and pubic hair on models. The waxing…
I have Egg-citing News!
The 2015 Science Fair project is done and it’s Egg-ceptionally good! Egg-citing isn’t it? Ok, I’ll stop but not until I mention eggs a few more times, like 6 dozen to be egg-act!…
AlyaBuzz Gives You
Everything that’s Buzzing in the Ad World and there’s a lot with a Philadelphia-based startup front and center! First and foremost, Philly’s DreamIt backed Meerkat and BioBots charm the SXSW crowd with the…
A Slight Setback to
Spring… They say that if it rains on your wedding day, you’re in luck and can expect a life of blissful happiness and fortune. Not sure who they are but in my research,…
Finally Someone Had the ####s to
Tell this douchebag and his fame hungry wife what they, and most everyone else, think of them. Too bad it’s from behind a mask but good to see this get out nonetheless! Just…
I Could Live Here!
If only in the summer or, when it’s not windy and cold… An office with a view… Can you guess where I am? Alya
Chef’s Choice
Who knew that there was such great Korean fare outside of the city, a chef that’s who! Saturday, we did what we don’t usually do when we have a babysitter and a precious…