Check one more off the Bucket List
Ziplining in Monteverde #costarica #puravida #ohshit Alya
Night Walk in Monteverde
Whoever said I was fancy should’ve seen me last night trekking through the bush in the dark! We saw tarantulas, venomous snakes and spiders. Yikes! Alya
Whitewater Rafting in Manuel Antonio
And swimming under waterfalls Just an average day in Costa Rica #puravida
Making New Friends
Jacob’s first Costa Rican friend is a redeye tree frog ? And this very serious iguana…and silly kid (-; #puravida #costarica #monteverde Alya
Hanukkah Is Over
I wish I had found this Tablet article, HOW TO GET WAX OFF YOUR MENORAH, before I killed my manicure cleaning my menorah. Sadly Hanukkah 2015 is in the history books &, while…