Every Prince Hairstyle From 1978-2013
Over the course of his 35-plus years in music, Prince found a lot of ways to be funky. Case in point: his hair, which he’s changed just as often as his sound and…
Songs You Didn’t Know Prince Wrote
From the Bangles to Chaka Khan, Prince wrote some of the most well-known songs performed by famous musicians of the last three decades. Boy do these bring back great memories!
In Honor of My All-Time Favorite, Prince
Just landed and learned that my all-time favorite, the one and only Prince has dead at 57. In his honor, Purple Rain :'( https://youtu.be/F8BMm6Jn6oU
Presidential Seal of Approval
At the DTC National conference hanging with Obama… Really it’s Reggie Brown, my new buddy and actor-comedian who stars in the next Barber Shop movie. So fun!
Yes or No?
Should I get this Alexander McQueen skull ring? I think that I need it! #yesorno #alexandermcqueen #jewelry
Boston Strong
I’m in Boston for the DTC National conference. Bonus? So is the Boston marathon. I’m so inspired by these people that I may even take up running again…may… Click to view video. #bostonmarathon…
Seinfeld: J. Peterman “Urban Sombrero” Will Exist Thanks to Kickstarter
The “Urban Sombrero” featured in a classic episode of Seinfeld is now going to actually exist. You know you want one! “The horror. The horror.” Source: ‘Seinfeld’: J. Peterman “Urban Sombrero” Will Exist…