My Bill Murray Story

Have you seen the Netflix documentary, The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned From a Mythical Man? It “highlights spontaneous encounters with the elusive, comedic veteran, who touches lives by simply showing up anywhere.”
Well, you may not believe me either but I too, have a Bill Murray story. What you may find even harder to believe is that I don’t have a single photo capturing the encounter that I’m about to recount but, here goes!
Back when I worked for a media agency, a very generous publisher partner used to take a handful of us execs to the Cape for a weekend of fun & relaxation. During one of those trips, we ventured out to Martha’s Vineyard for their annual Jazz & Blues Summerfest. It is while swaying to the music with cocktails in hand that we saw him! The man, the legend, the Murray!
Typically when I see a celebrity, I march right over for a casual introduction & photo (Thanks NYC Upfronts for the training!) but this time it was different. This time it was Phil, a huge Bill Murray fan, who insisted that we saddle up & meet Bill. Whether or not that actually happened I honestly don’t recall. What I do recall is that within minutes we were all sitting around the table listening (& hysterically laughing) to Bill Murray jokes. Oh & when I say sitting, I mean he/Bill was sitting on our host’s mother’s lap while telling stories & making jokes.
Fast forward to this past weekend when Phil & I watched this Netflx documentary…
Here we were thinking that we were unique in our encounter with Bill. Come to find out that he has a habit of appearing in the most unexpected places, doing the most unexpected things like…washing a sink full of dishes at a party #TrueStory
So you see, I too have a Bill Murray story. One that is documented deep in my mind & surfaces when I need a good laugh (-;

And you, do you have a Bill Murray story? I would love to hear it!