Free Coffee
At La Colombe Torrefaction Rittenhouse Square today courtesy of Statefarm… How’s that for a Happy Monday!? Alya
A Slight Setback to
Spring… They say that if it rains on your wedding day, you’re in luck and can expect a life of blissful happiness and fortune. Not sure who they are but in my research,…
Chef’s Choice
Who knew that there was such great Korean fare outside of the city, a chef that’s who! Saturday, we did what we don’t usually do when we have a babysitter and a precious…
Wet Bar DIY
It only took 15 years, at least on my watch, but who’s counting? What’s important is that the bar, our last big project in the apartment, is 99% complete! Looking for the before…
It’s Friday the 13th, What’s Scarier Than
My closet? It’s the second Friday the 13th of the year so why not tend to the scary chaos that is my closet!? I’m in between throwing it all out…excluded are my Chanel…
Girls Night Out
This top seemed appropriate for the occasion and now, let’s live up to the hype… The girls… Contrary to what most people think, we eat and eat a lot. So much as a…